Sunday, February 28, 2010

Your love is strong

I am in pure aww of God right now. He is so good.

To further explain... lately I have been feeling homesick for lots of things ranging from my family to my church to the marvelous and amazing in-n-out and thus have not been in the best of moods and have talked about in-n-out way to much and been a little grumpy for the past day or so..BUT God stepped in, as he often does at the moment when you least expect it and changed everything.

Today my friend Jen introduced me to an amazing Church that she herself had just been introduced to last week. The Church is called Vintage and is made up of mostly people 30 and under and honestly is exactly everything that I could possibly want in a church. Friendly people, spectacular worship, and a great message...and most importantly the right attitude and posture towards God and religion itself. What I believe Christianity is about is exactly what this Church thus far (seeing as I have been once) displays. I believe that Christianity is all about love. That is what everything comes down to. Love God, Love others.

1 John 4:19 "We love because Christ first loved us."

Anyways, this whole day has been amazing and Church was amazing and God has affirmed so many things for me today. Especially since last night I was talking to my roomies about what I believe, and how when you break down the Bible, it is about love, and why I don't drink and what I think of those people who yell at people and tell them they are going to hell on Bourbon street and just what I believe in general and and then I go to Vintage Church tonight and that is exactly what the Pastor was talking about.

To quickly recap, the message was all about how in our world we are constantly attacked by others in different ways (hit, sued, forced, demanded) and that our natural reaction is to fight back, to sue back, to force back, to demand back but God wants us to react differently, he wants us to sacrifice our bodies, our possessions, our time/service and our money for everyone, even those who hate us, who are our enemies.

Embrace the love of Christ, not the love of the world.

WOW. I am so happy. God is Good. His Love is Strong.


P.S.- listen to the lyrics of this song, really listen. "Your Love is Strong" by Jon Foreman

Shell Beach, New Orleans (photo credit Phoenix)

Yet another amazing sunset in New Orleans